Tsuchiya Ramen is a Japanese noodle shop named after the Drift King Keiichi Tsuchiya. Located in Fresno, California, they serve many people and create a look and feel that would bring a taste of japan with the car culture and food to the central valley. Their goal was to do a promo for their store expansion which involved a wide range of printed mediums. 

 Promo card
 Print T-shirts

Programs + Machines:
 Vinyl Cutter

Tsuchiya Ramen x ONTZ x thejerrycan - 86 DAY - 2024
In celebration of the AE86 chassis, Tsuchiya Ramen, ONTZ and I collaborated to host 86 Day in Fresno, California. They needed a flyer that would bring out the car and local community to enjoy a fun mix of cars and food.
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